The Avenue Church
Give today | make a difference that lasts forever

Thank you so much for wanting to partner with The Avenue Church to impact the greater Houston area! Below you will find three ways that you can give: online, text to give, or by mail. Your gift, no matter the amount, is helping to change our community!

The difference you make

The goal isn't to live on earth forever, but to leave something that does.

We believe that there is no greater generosity than investing in what Jesus has built, which is why we invest in building His church, here and around the world.

1. Local Missions

We truly believe in serving and supporting our local community where God has placed us.

2. National Missions

Every year, The Avenue partners with the Association of Related Churches (ARC) to ensure that the life change that is happening at our church happens throughout the nation. ARC works together with church planters and church leaders to provide support, guidance, and resources to launch and grow life-giving churches.

ARC Churches

3. International Missions

As a church, we are committed to the church around the world. We believe that the message of Jesus is for all people. We have partnered with World Compassion to bring compassion & humanitarian aid, evangelism, training, and discipleship & church planting to countries where the Gospel is not welcome.

World Compassion

4. Church Expansion

We invite you to partner with us in acquiring land and building as we strive to expand His church here locally and move people from where they are to where God wants them to be.

Online giving

It's simple and secure. Whether you'd like to give a single gift or schedule ongoing donations, you can do it all online, using your checking account, debit, or credit card.


Mobile giving

text your amount to the number 84321, then search the avenue church and donate!

Text-to-Give gives you a convenient, lightning-fast way to give. It will take about 2 minutes to set up your account. After that, it's as simple as sending a text.

You can even set up recurring giving and attach any payment method of your choice, like bank accounts for ACH donations.

Give by mail

Checks can be made payable to:

the avenue church
po box 430
porter, tx 77365